"No kid sleeps on the floor in our town!"
Today, we presented a $1200 check to Mickey Carder of Sleep in Heavenly Peace, Youngstown. 
According to the Sleep in Heavenly Peace website: "Sleep in Heavenly Peace had its start like many other charities, in a garage. It was Christmas time, a time of joy and happiness, a time of giving and love, but also a time of bitter, cold weather and snow storms. A project, that was started with the build of one bed for a single family developed into something a whole lot more. With wood left over from the first bunk, another idea was created. 'Who else could benefit from this bunk?'

A simple post on Facebook sparked an unexpected response. What was thought would be a litter of requests from needy families, turned into a litany of local people eager to help and volunteer. The generosity of these volunteers was so surprising that it was no longer a search for one who needed a bed, but a question of how many beds we could provide. From there, the idea grew into reality. We can make a difference."

Carder found out about the project on Facebook, saw the Returning the Favor video, and he knew right away that he needed to get involved. He traveled to Twin Falls, Idaho and got involved, bringing a chapter to Youngstown. Working on a study with students at YSU for a more accurate #, an estimated 12, 000 children are sleeping on the floor in the Valley. A recent build with Fitch High School saw the construction of 22 bunk beds, and donations from the community. 
Every dollar raised goes directly towards the materials for the beds — mattresses, pillows, sheets, bedding — so that children are ready to climb into their new bed once it's delivered. 
Learn more about Sleep in Heavenly Peace.