David Kohout - Talk is CheapDavid Kohout-Talk is Cheap *David Kohout gave a brief overview of his motivational presentation of Talk is Cheap. His message focuses on Building Character, Instilling Hope, Establishing Confidence, and Inspiring Greatness. The website of Talk Is Cheap and (standing in the presence of greatness). ![]() ![]() ![]() |
World Affairs Institute |
Boardman High School Students - Peter and the Star Catcher Play |
General |
Community DonationsBoardman Rotary uses the funds we earn through our two major fund raisers, the Boardman Rotary Oktoberfest and Pancake Breakfasts in the Park each year to financially support a number of community groups and non-profits. Boardman Schools, Easter Seals, Habitat for Humanity, Boy Scouts of America, Beatitude House, Boardman Community Baseball, Salvation Army, and the YWCA are only a handful of organizations that we have been able to support. Local support is not always financial. Rotarians have cooked and served meals at the Salvation Army, volunteered to help on Habitat for Humanity builds, delivered baskets of food to local families in need, and helped to size children with, and distribute winter coats. One of our favorite activities is to pass out American flags to those attending the Memorial Day parade in Boardman. Internationally, we have supported the building of wells, the distribution of books and computers, and have gifted wheelchairs to those in need. Rotarians have traveled to Mexico, Guatemala, Dominica and El Salvador to participate in hearing, dental and vision mission trips as well as trips to help to paint, repair, and build orphanages. Each year, Boardman Rotary also financially supports a student in the Rotary Youth Exchange Program, giving an international high school junior or senior the opportunity to travel to the US, stay with a local host family, attend a local high school and learn about our culture for one year. Each year, our club has the opportunity to welcome all of the exchange students assigned to our district to an overnighter at Camp Stambaugh soon after they arrive in the US. We play lawn games, take them bowling, and have a campfire where we teach them to make an All-American favorite...s'mores. |
Camp Stambaugh |
What is Rotary?Rotary is a global network of 1.2 million neighbors, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers who see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves. Solving real problems takes real commitment and vision. For more than 110 years, Rotary's people of action have used their passion, energy, and intelligence to take work on sustainable projects. From literacy and peace to water and health, we are always working to better our world, and we stay committed to the end. Rotary members believe that we have a shared responsibility to take action on our world’s most persistent issues. Our 35,000+ clubs work together to:
We provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through our fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders. Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change — across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves. Locally, Boardman Rotary was established in 1955 by a group of business leaders in our community. We meet each Tuesday at noon in Boardman Park, and through monthly Board Meetings, conduct club business such as granting donations, voting in new members, and establishing or modifying procedures that keep our club vital and thriving. Members pay dues twice a year, and have attendance requirements that must be met. In our weekly meetings we recite the Pledge of Allegiance, sing God Bless America, and pray. Fellowship, a good natured weekly roasting of our members is a part of each meeting. We discuss and vote on proposed members and donations, as well as club activities. A speaker is scheduled each week. Speakers we have had in the past include representatives from the Cleveland Indians, local authors, non-profit leaders, administration and professors from Youngstown State University, and community officials. Rotarians live by the 4-Way Test. Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned? Fellowship among Boardman Rotarians has been the key to our longevity as a club in our community. We truly enjoy working together and having fun together! Activities outside of our regular Tuesday meetings are what bind us as a club. Dinners together, attending plays and concerts, picnics, escape rooms, and wine trips are only some of the activities our members enjoy. Over the years, members have traveled together on cruises, or on mission trips to help others around the globe. We celebrate each others personal and professional accomplishments, and lift each other up during hard times. Boardman Rotary is a family! |
Major Fundraisers![]() Each year, Boardman Rotary has two major fund raisers to support the work we do all year. The first is the Oktoberfest. Held in Boardman Park on a Sunday each fall, this event is an outdoor arts and crafts show. Generally over 150 vendors fill the Park for this one day event, that over 10,000 people attend each year. Aside from traditional arts and crafts, the show includes vendors offering jewelry, baked goods, personal products, and clothing. We have a food court packed with everything from sausage sandwiches and fries to giant cinnamon rolls. Non-profits join in the fun with spaces that inform visitors how they work in the community, and the YMCA of Boardman provides a space for kids and adults to learn about having a good time while exercising. Live performances are held throughout the day at the Maag Pavilion in the Park, and The Boardman Spartan Marching Band comes each year to march down the midway. There is a moderate entrance fee, and all funds collected are used to help local non-profits. Pancakes in the Park is an event that we hold in conjunction with Boardman Park's Maple Syrup festival in the early Spring each year. Rotarians prepare and serve pancakes and sausage to over 500 guests each day of the event, which takes place on both Saturday and Sunday mornings for two consecutive weekends. Tickets are sold by Rotarians, as well as at the door, and the funds are used to support Boardman Rotary projects throughout the year. |
Program for 7/16: Samantha Rivalsky, Man UP Mahoning Valley Coordinator |
Dues |
Program for 7/9: Ron James, Boardman Rotary President |
Oktoberfestival Meeting |
Boys & Girls Club Backyard BBQ |
Blake Shelton Concert |
Scholarship Recipient: Taylor Thomas |
Presentation for 7/2: Carol Apinis from Yellow Brick Place |
Newsletter |
Community Donations |
Program for 6/25: John Brkic |
Outgoing President: Thank You Beth Ann! |
Mission Moment: ALS |
Oktoberfestival Meeting |
Program for 6/18: Scholarship Award Recipients |
Program for 6/18: Interact Team |
New Member: Muhannad Kassawatt, MD |
Joint Board Meeting |
Salvation Army Picnic |
Memorial Day Follow Up |
Dinner and Theater Night |
Community Donations |
Program for 5/21: Chad Miller, Boardman Community Baseball |
New Member Proposal |
President’s Party |
New Member Introductions |
Board Meeting |
Program for 5/21: Chad Miller, Boardman Community Baseball |
Volunteers Needed: Salvation Army |
Community Donations |
New Member Induction: Jan Brown |
Presentation for 4/16: Kati Hartwig, Youngstown State University |
Board Meeting |
Oktoberfestival Meeting |
Community Donations |
Presentation for 4/9: Varada Bhide from YWCA |
District Conference: April 12-13 |
Board Meeting |
Program for 3/26: Jill Cox |
Four Way Speech |
Joint Rotary Meeting at MCCTC: NEXT WEEK! |
Volunteer: Rescue Mission |
Ticket Money ASAP |
“Why Rotary?” Instagram Series |
Membership Invitation Cards |
Check Presentation: Sleep in Heavenly Peace"No kid sleeps on the floor in our town!" Today, we presented a $1200 check to Mickey Carder of Sleep in Heavenly Peace, Youngstown. According to the Sleep in Heavenly Peace website: "Sleep in Heavenly Peace had its start like many other charities, in a garage. It was Christmas time, a time of joy and happiness, a time of giving and love, but also a time of bitter, cold weather and snow storms. A project, that was started with the build of one bed for a single family developed into something a whole lot more. With wood left over from the first bunk, another idea was created. 'Who else could benefit from this bunk?' A simple post on Facebook sparked an unexpected response. What was thought would be a litter of requests from needy families, turned into a litany of local people eager to help and volunteer. The generosity of these volunteers was so surprising that it was no longer a search for one who needed a bed, but a question of how many beds we could provide. From there, the idea grew into reality. We can make a difference." Carder found out about the project on Facebook, saw the Returning the Favor video, and he knew right away that he needed to get involved. He traveled to Twin Falls, Idaho and got involved, bringing a chapter to Youngstown. Working on a study with students at YSU for a more accurate #, an estimated 12, 000 children are sleeping on the floor in the Valley. A recent build with Fitch High School saw the construction of 22 bunk beds, and donations from the community.Every dollar raised goes directly towards the materials for the beds — mattresses, pillows, sheets, bedding — so that children are ready to climb into their new bed once it's delivered. Learn more about Sleep in Heavenly Peace. |
Youngstown Rotary: Groundhog Beer Fest |
Joint Rotary Meeting: Struthers Rotary |
Board Meeting |
Fellowship |
Foundation Fundraising Event |
Community Donations |
Holiday Meeting Reminders |
Program for 1/22: Denis Robinson Sr. from Goodwill |
Thank You to Bell Ringers |
Vocational Presentation: Sheryl Figliano |
Christmas Party Wrap Up |
Community Donations |
Foundation Month: #GivingTuesday |
New Member Proposal |
Salvation Army Red Kettle |
Vocational for 11/13: Jill Cox |
Upcoming Board Meeting |
Food Baskets |
Annual Christmas Party |
Door Sign Up |
Community Donations |
Program for 11/27: Grace Freeze of Ursuline Sisters Scholars and Immigrant Outreach |
Presidential Citation |
Oktoberfestival Wrap-Ups |
Board Meeting |
Program For 10/9: |
Community Donations |
Halloween Party |
Minute for Membership |
Photographer Needed |
Presentation for 9/25: Oktoberfestival |
Vocational for 9/18: Brian Governor |
Boardman Rotary distributes dictionaries to local elementary schoolsIn recognition of Rotary International’s Basic Education and Literacy Month, the Rotary Club of Boardman distributed dictionaries to Boardman Local Schools’ four elementary schools. |
Every Fine Counts! |
Board Meeting |
Program for 9/11: Amy Fifarek of the Public Library of Youngstown and Mahoning County |
Dictionary Distribution |
YSU Tailgate Party |
Program for 9/4: United Way |
Community Donations |
Program for 8/14: Presentation of the Flags to Veterans Court |
Bowling to Begin |
Membership Dues! |
Board Meeting |
Program for 8/14: Membership Update |
Program for 8/14: Foundation Meeting |
Perfect Attendance Report |
Foundation Meeting |
Check Presentation: Toys for Youngstown Kids |
Fall Orientation and Welcome for Inbound Exchange Students |
July Board Meeting Approvals |
Youth Exchange Donation Approval |
Program #2 for 7/31: God Bless America |
Oktoberfestival Updates |
Attendance Report |
District Governor Visit - Division 1A |
Program for 7/31: Dick Dowell |
Mission of Love International Project |
Oktoberfestival Meeting 7/12 |
New Member Induction |
Paul Harris Fellow Presentation |
Program for 6/26: Beatitude House |
Membership Candidate |
Program for 6/19: Rotary Foundation |
No Meeting on July 3 |
Program for 6/12: Jim Freeze from Goodwill Youngstown |
Family Picnic on June 30 at Boardman Park |
Program for 6/5: Dan Slagle, Boardman Park |
President's Party |
Gift from Mary Lou Greene |
Program for 5/22: Paisley House |
Fireside Chat |
New Member Proposal |
Memorial Day Parade - This Monday! |
Program for 5/15 |
New Member Induction |
Board Meeting Thursday 5/17 |
Program for 5/8: BSTN |
Destination Imagination Funding |
Host Family Needed for Exchange Student |
Oktoberfestival |
Membership Candidates |
Attendees Needed for Boy Scout Breakfast on 4/24 |
Paul Harris Fellow Presentation |
Board Meeting Thursday, April 19 |
Program for 4/10: Exchange Student Ana |
Check Presentation to the Boy Scouts |
Rotary District Nominations |
Program for April 3: Amy Ditz and Allison Oltmann from the March of Dimes |
Make-Ups and Attendance |
Community Requests |
Pancake Ticket Money |
Check Presentation to MCCTC |
Welcome to New Member Jim Ciotti |
Thank You to our Pancake Chairs |
Program for 3/27: |
Program for 3/20: Carolyn Gibbons from Neil Kennedy Recovery Clinic |
Welcome to our New Members! |
Second Weekend of Pancakes this Weekend! |
Program for 3/6: Four Way Speech Contest |
Prospective Members |
Program For 2/6: John Street |
Rotary Men Who Cook Event |
Program for 1/30: Jessica Robinson from St. Vincent DePaul |
Program for 1/9: Paula Kalaman from the Hope House |
New Member Induction: Erik Johnson |
February 13 - Chef's Battle |
Program for 1/2 |
No Meeting 12/26 |
Program for 12/19: Luke Hetzel, Boy Scout Troop 60 |
Presentation of the 2018-2019 Slate of Officers |
Food Basket Thank You |
Program for 12/12: Kevin Ruse, YMCA |
Membership Candidates |
Program for 12/5: Gregg Riddle on the Rotary Foundation |
Check Presentation to Mahoning County Children's Services |
Community Donations |
YWCA Wish Upon A Star |
Program for 11/28: Timothy Saxton, Superintendent, Boardman Local Schools |
It's a Wonderful Life |
Pancake Festival Announcement |
Program for 11/14 |
Annual Christmas Party |
Check Presentation to Market Street Elementary |
Holiday Food Baskets |
Rotary Foundation Donations |
Salvation Army Bell Ringing |
New Member Applications |
Congratulations to our New Members |
Oktoberfestival Results |
Struthers Rotary Pancake Breakfast |
Program for 10/24 |
World Polio Day |
Funding Requests |
New Membership Candidates |
Program for 10/10: Boardman Twp. Department of Planning & Zoning, Krista Beniston |
Be A Part of Penguin History! |
Support YSU Veteran's Scholarship Fund |
Congratulations to Ken Goldsboro |
Community Donations |
Program for 10/3: Michael Zoccali, Principal Stadium Drive Elementary |
Community Donations |
Interact Update |
Program for 9/19: Joe Trevino, Ohio Department of Veterans Services |
Board Meeting Thursday |
Dictionary Distribution |
Program for 9/12: Beatitude House Gina Pastella |
Perfect Attendance Recognition |
Congratulations to Jennifer Conolly |
Oktoberfestival |
Program For 9/5: SCORESCORE is a nonprofit association dedicated to helping small businesses get off the ground, grow and achieve their goals through education and mentorship. They have been doing this for over fifty years. Because their work is supported by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), and thanks to our network of 10,000 volunteers, they are able to deliver our services at no charge or at very low cost. We can provide:
Our 300 chapters hold events and workshops locally across the U.S. and its territories, and match up entrepreneurs with local, volunteer mentors. SCORE is headquartered in Herndon, VA and the local Chapter 112 is located in Room 1163 WCBA Bldg., Youngstown State University. To reach SCORE locally, you can call (330) 941-2948 or visit
Program for 8/29: Sheila Williams, Ronald McDonald HouseThe Ronald McDonald House Charities believe that when you change a child's life, you change a family's, which can change a community, and ultimately the world. We strive to improve the lives of young people in the Mahoning Valley and Western Pennsylvania by awarding grants to local non-profit agencies for programs that directly benefit children. Funding is focused on two main areas: Health Educational Services For more information on Ronald McDonald House, visit: |
Second Readings |
Membership dues deadline is Aug. 31! |
New Member Proposal: Jennifer Connolly |
Thanks to the volunteers |
Program for 8/15: Karen McCallum, Boardman ParkSummer Programs at Boardman Park in 2017 -Day Camps were restarted in 2003 and in 2017 Boardman Park has had a record year of 100 Campers per week. The program runs 10 weeks over the summer. The camp allows us to serve not just youth from Boardman, but also Poland, Canfield, and North Lima. -Music in the Park Concert Series continued on this summer. They are on Thursday evenings, and there are two more this summer. Ending on August 24 with the Boardman High School Jazz Band. -During our annual Fourth of July Celebration we had an estimated 7,000 people who attended in and around the Park with the Military Band Concert. -Family Campout at the Park served 21 Families this summer. Additionally in the summer months, our Park attendance tends to increase not just for our organized programs, but with people just utilizing the park for their lunch breaks, walks, and even Pokemon Go! Players. New Facilities in the Park -We have added a new Pickle Ball Court -Increased the size of the practice Tennis Courts -Disc Golf Course -Dog Park continues to grow and serve our families in the area. Other Upcoming Events can be found by visiting the park website at: About Boardman Park Boardman Township Park is commonly known as and will remain the “Green Oasis” of the Community. It is located in the midst of Boardman Township’s {the 3rd largest township in the State of Ohio} commercial development along U.S. Route 224. The 227-contiguous-acre Park is well used and appreciated by the rapidly growing population of southern Mahoning County, not only due to its central location and easy accessibility via area highways, but also because of the diversity of recreational opportunities it offers, as well as the natural beauty of its acreage. The word Oasis can be defined as: a fertile tract in a desert; or as a haven, which is defined as a shelter serving as a place of safety or sanctuary. Boardman Park pursuant to its mission, provides and preserves 227 acres of fertile green space located in the heart of Boardman, Ohio, that is not only a sanctuary for numerous species of plants and animals, but also is a recreational haven for the Community it serves. On November 4, 1947 the seed from which Boardman Park, the "Green Oasis", would grow was planted when the voters of Boardman Township overwhelmingly approved establishment of a Township Park District. The seed may have never been planted if it were not for the generosity of William F. Maag, Jr. In 1946 he sought a sight for a new transmitter for WFMJ, the broadcast station that bears his initials. With the cooperation of the Township Trustees, a 123 acre parcel lying on the opposite side of Boardman-Poland Road from his stately home was purchased from the Federal government. Mr. Maag, with great foresight, donated 72 of those acres to the community in order to establish a community park, hence the seed was planted. As the Township transformed from being rural to mainly a suburban community, more and more land was used for homes, schools, and shopping and business centers, Park Commissioners, realizing that development was occurring near the Park boundaries, sought to acquire land in order to provide a buffer between the existing Park boundaries and the all-too-near commercial and residential developments, as well as to provide additional Park land to meet the recreational needs of the growing community. In 1969 the Commissioners purchased 15 acres from the Ohio Edison Co. and one acre from the Boardman Supply Co., with both properties located along Southern Blvd. Small land acquisitions were made in the 1980's, with the most notable being the purchase of the home and five acres of land from the family of Judge Edgar Diehm. This property lies between St. James Meeting House and Toys-R-Us, and is now the site of the Park's Historical Village. Over the last ten years, Boardman Township has experienced a dramatic increase in development of residential and commercial property. Coinciding with the growth of the Township came thousands of new families to the "Green Oasis", creating a need for additional playgrounds, pavilions, indoor meeting rooms and perhaps, most importantly, additional areas of natural habitat. In 1991, the Board of Park Commissioners had sufficient funds to acquire 78 acres of land to the south and southeast of the existing Park. This land of mostly forest provided additional areas of natural habitat, as well as establishing a much needed buffer along the Park's eastern and southern boundaries. Since 1991, the Park Commissioners have purchased 30 acres of land from the Ohio Edison Co. and 2.4 acres from a private estate, with both properties lying between the Park's western boundary and the railroad corridor of the former Youngstown & Southern Railway Co. that travels along Southern Blvd. And, most recently, the Park Board has acquired four acres of property from the Boardman Supply Co. that was formerly the site of two Little League baseball fields which were maintained and operated by Boardman Community Baseball, Inc. With great foresight, the Board of Park Commissioners acquired these virtually treeless properties so that the Park could better meet the ever-increasing demands placed on them by the hundreds of thousands of annual visitors; and, most importantly, eliminating the need to encroach on the 167 acres of natural habitat in order to develop additional recreational facilities to satisfy such demands. On September 15, 1992, the Board of Park Commissioners adopted a Master Plan for the Park District, which reflected the Mission statement: To provide a diversity of recreational and educational opportunities in an environment that lends itself to pleasant family experiences, and to preserve areas of natural habitat. Pursuant to that Mission, the Master Plan called for several capital improvements to be made in order to better serve the recreational needs of an ever-growing Community. Through the support and generosity of the Community, the following improvements were realized: Kids’ Town and Tot’s Town playgrounds, the Maag Outdoor Arts Theatre, the Elton Beard Family Cabin, the Kenneth Hofmaster Pavilion, and the connection of the Park District’s on-site antiquated sanitary system to a public sanitary system. The commercial value of these much needed improvements totals well over $2.5 million, which otherwise the Park District’s budget alone could have not made possible. Most importantly, the realization of these assets has been made possible through the generosity and support of the community in conjunction with the receipt of various state and federal grants, clearly, demonstrating the depth and breadth of the public’s support of the Park. Over the years, the seed has grown into a community park, rich in natural beauty, comprised of 227-contiguous-acres which are located in the heart of Boardman Township. It should be acknowledged that through the efforts of past and current Boards of Park Commissioners, the size of the Park has more than tripled since 1947 providing areas for recreational purposes, as well as tracts of land devoted to undisturbed natural habitat which are traversed only by nature trails, and all the while operating within its budget and not receiving any significant increase in real property tax revenue since the founding of the Park District. Of the 227 acres, approximately 60 acres are developed with a diversity of recreational facilities: pavilions, indoor meeting rooms, tennis courts, softball fields, sand volleyball courts, a Hike & Bike Trail, and two of the most popular and unique children's playgrounds in the area - Kids' Town and Tot's Town, both of which were designed and built through the generosity of numerous individuals and organizations for the enjoyment of all the children of our community. The balance, 167 acres, is preserved for natural habitat, which supports many native species of plants and animals and is an excellent representative of Ohio's glaciated Beech/Maple forests and lowland hardwood forests. It is these two diverse, yet balanced, uses that truly make Boardman Township Park the "Green Oasis" of the community. Since its beginnings, Boardman Township Park has striven to provide the community with a diversity of recreational and educational opportunities, as well as to preserve areas of undisturbed natural habitat. The Board of Park Commissioners and its staff have never wavered from this mission. And throughout the decades they have worked diligently to meet the recreational needs of an ever- growing township, while serving as prudent stewards of the tax dollars entrusted to them. Please be assured that they will continue to pursue this mission to insure that the "Green Oasis" remains evergreen. |
Casual Pint Social Event 8/16 - Two Spots Still Available |
Foundation MeetingCongratulations to our new Trustees of the Foundation
Diana Nolder presented information on the Rotary Foundation Treasurer's Statement. Additionally, additional individuals were added to the foundation accounts. Discussion on moving funds out of the scholarship fund. |
Program for 8/8: Junior League Pink Ribbon TeaProgram Speaker: Susan Stewart, Co-Chair of the Pink Ribbon Tea for Breast Cancer Survivors sponsored by the Junior League of Youngstown. About the Junior League of Youngstown Since its founding in 1901 by social activist Mary Harriman, The Junior League has evolved into one of the oldest, largest, and most effective women’s volunteer organizations in the world, encompassing more than 150,000 women in the 291 Leagues in four countries. The Association of Junior Leagues International, Inc. reaches out to women of all races, religions and national origins who are interested in and dedicated to voluntarism. Information on the Pink Ribbon Tea The Junior League of Youngstown Pink Ribbon Tea was started by Susan Berny and Annette Camacci. Susan Berny requested a grant from the League and worked with the Susan G. Komen Foundation back in 1994. The first tea had fifty survivors in attendance. Through the two decades since the tea began, it has provided an afternoon of support. It is an inspiration and celebration of the survivors’ many successes in their fight against breast cancer. Survivors attend for free as the event is supported by underwriters, sponsors and Junior League members. In its twenty-three history the tea has had more than 6,700 participants. The 2017 Pink Ribbon Tea will be held on Monday, August 21, 2017 at Stambaugh Auditorium located at 1000 Fifth Avenue in Youngstown. Doors open at 11:00 AM and program luncheon will begin at 12:00 pm. Seating is limited! Please send your RSVP to the Junior League office by Monday, August 7, 2017. There is a $20.00 charge for each guest of a survivor. A gift basket raffle and goody bags will be available. If you are a breast cancer survivor and would like an invitation, you may call the Junior League of Youngstown office at 330-743-3200. Invitation available here: |
Perfect Attendance |
Habitat Project |
Program: Becky Keck, SMARTS |
New Member: Kati Hartwig |
Foundation Meeting |
Oktoberfestival Sponsorships needed! |
Exchange Student Camp Day |
Mike Raulin, Rotary District 6650 Governor |
Casual Pint Night! |
President's Party June 30! |
NO Regular Meeting Tuesday, July 4 |
Joint Board Meeting |
Program: Helen Slack and her students from MCCTC |
Elijah Kahn is being transferred |
President's Party |
Please mark your calendars - Club Assembly on May 30 |
Memorial Day Parade |
Successful Blood Drive! |
Proposed New Member: Angelo Babbaro, Week Two |
Program: Courtney Poullas, Youngstown Marathon |
Blood Drive! |
Second Reading: Salvation Army |
Program: David Stillwagon and Jermaine McAlphine |
Flag Program |
Community Readings |
Paul Harris Designee: Pam Traino |
Program: Ian Beniston, YNDC |
Please pay pancake tickets! |
Cheryl Lloyd and Tim Nelson, Easter Seals of Mahoning, Trumbull and Columbiana Counties |
District Conference is April 7 and 8 |
Pancake Time! |
Program: World Affairs Institute Students |
Program: Jim Echement, Rescue Mission |
MCCTC on Feb. 28 |
February is Perfect Attendance Month! |
Men Who Cook |
Rescue Mission |
Community Request: Stadium Drive |
January is Vocational Month at Boardman Rotary |
Thank you to the sponsors of Oktoberfestival |
Program: Greg Riddle, Boardman Rotary Foundation President |
Food Bag Distribution |
Salvation Army Red Kettle |
Veterans Day Program |
Christmas Party |
Please submit make-up slips for Oktoberfestival |
Program: Shawn Golden, Disc Golf |
Bell Ringing! |
Welcome new member, Russell Hardenburgh! |
Thank You March 14, 2017 |
Program: Rebecca L. Keck, SMARTS |
Community Readings |
International Request |
New Member Proposal: Russell Hardenburgh IV |
Jodi Harmon, Potential Development |
Paul Harris Lottery |
Cares and Concerns |
New Member: Brian Tolnar |
New Member Pinning: Jennifer RobertsWelcome to Jennifer Roberts, the newest member of Boardman Rotary! Sponsor was Celeste Lisko.
Program: Celeste Lisko and Jill Cox, Boardman Rotary Membership |
Beers, Cheers and Gears! |
Oktoberfestival Sponsorships |
Rotary Foundation |
Dedication Little Free Library |
Save the Date:International Students Camp |
Attendance |
New Member Proposal: Jennifer Roberts |
Oktoberfestival Meeting/Update |
Disc Golf Informational Meeting |
Readings from Community |
Program: Celeste Lisko on the New Rotary Year |
New Rotary Program |
The Little Free Library Has Arrived! |
Check Presentation: $5,000 to Boy Scouts of America |
Program: Tim Nelson, President/CEO of Easter Seals Mahoning, Trumbull and Columbiana |
Oktoberfestival Meeting July 19 |
New Member Proposal: Brian Tolnar |
Program: Judge Jack Durkin |
Rotary Picnic July 5 |
Community Requests |
Scholarship Presentations |
Paul Harris Award - Jay SummerCongratulations to Jay Summer for receiving a Paul Harris AWard
Program: David Horning, Keynotes with Character(s) |
Mathis' Last Meeting |
Program: Brian Tolnar, PGA, Director of Golf, MCMP |
Oktoberfest Meeting |
Meeting Move June 14 |
Pedro, exchange student from 2009 |
Program: Crime Stoppers |
President's Party, Thursday, June 9 |
Board Meeting Thursday, May 19 |
Program: Crystal Eckman, Rescue Mission of the Mahoning Valley |
Flag Distribution at Memorial Day Parade |
Volunteers Needed for Blood Drive |
Check Presentation: Karen McCallum, Boardman Park |
New Member Proposal: Mark Sikora |
Program: Sean Posey, author of "Lost Youngstown." |
New Member: Carl Greenaway |
Approved Measures from Thursday April 21, 2016 Meeting |
Right to Read Week Volunteers |
Program: Nate Janoso, Cleveland Indians |
Check Presentations April 12 |
New Member Proposal: Carl Greenaway |
Program: Anna Barksdale and Joy Smith, YWCA of YoungstownThe YWCA is more than just a women's organization focused on health and wellness, explained Anna Marie Barksdale, housing and supportive services director for the Youngstown YWCA at Tuesday's Rotary meeting.
Barksdale explained that there are a number of areas of focus for the organization. The YWCA, which focuses on empowering women and eliminating racism, has programs for youth development, empowering those in low-income situations and housing with support services, which includes both a transitional home and a scattered site program.
For more information on the programming of the YWCA, please visit
Bring in Your Cans ... for Pennies for Polio! |
First Reading: Youngstown Food Forest |
Program: |
Check Presentation: YMCA |
New Member: Steve Fazzini |
Pancake Breakfast |
New Member: Steve Fazzini |
Pancake Festival! |
Fireside Chat Rescheduled |
Pennies for Polio! |
Second Reading: Library Donation |
Say hello to Mary Lou Green! |
Fireside Chat Cancelled for March 2 |
Proposed New Member: Steve Fazzini |
Program: MCCTC Off-Site Meeting |
Pancake Festival |
Program: David Kohout, Talk is Cheap |
Community Reading |
Dues are Due Feb. 15, 2016 |
Program: Mason Carratt, American Food Forest |
Rescue Mission |
Board Meeting Thursday, Jan. 28 |
Feb. 23 Meeting Change |
Slate of Officers for 2016 - 2017 |
Paul Harris Fellowship |
Program: Pastor Dan Tayman |
Program: Terry O'Donnell, ALICE Training |
Foundation Month |
RYLA Goody Bags |
Mathis Russo |
1st District Court of Appeals Judge Pat Fischer |
Literacy Projects |
$1,720 raised for Red Kettles |
Program: Audra Carlson, Oh Wow! Children's Center |
Board Meeting Thursday, Dec. 17, 2015 |
Dues and Attendance |
Second Reading - Community |
International Requests |
Program: Fred D'Amico, Youngstown Regional Film Commission |
Community Requests |
Flag Presentation |
Operation Warm |
November is Foundation Month for RI |
Mark your calendars! Jennifer Jones Luncheon |
Bill Sweeney and Greg Anstrom, Veterans Day Program |
Board Meeting |
Christmas Party |
Market Street Elementary School Principal and Guests |
Program: Jeff Christian, Team Ryan Foundation |
YWCA Make a Wish Christmas Program |
Food Basket Delivery |
Program: Mike Chadsey, Ohio Oil and Gas Association |
Guatemala Hearing Mission |
Salvation Army Bell Ringing is right around the corner! |
Check Presentation: YSU Scholastic Arts Program |
Salvation Army Bell Ringing is right around the corner! |
Program: Denise Tomko, Home Instead |
Operation Warm Kick-Off: Aug. 19 |
Oktoberfestival Meeting |
Foundation Meeting Reminder |
Program: Larry Moliterno, Boardman Township Trustee |
Safety Clinic |
Special Olympics Thank You |
Oktoberfestival Sponsorship |
Save the Date: Take Me Out to the Ballgame! |
Program: Boardman K-9 Unit |
New Member Pinning: Karen Delisio |
Program: 2015-2016 President Terry Daprile |
Tilly's Farewell |
Junior Achievement Check Presentation |
Final Scholarship Recipient |
Oktoberfestival Updates |
Thank you to the volunteers on April 5, 2016 |
New Member Proposal: Karen DeLisio |
Oktoberfestival Meeting |
Paul Harris Fellows |
Check Presentations for June 2015 |
Program: Judge Shirley Christian |
Paul Harris lottery |
Second Reading for Contribution to Boardman Park |
President's Party |
Joint Board Meeting |
Thank you to Volunteers on June 2, 2015 |
Check Presentations |
Presentation: Jason Pavone, Mahoning County Foster Parent Association |
Rotary Goes to the Racino |
Thank you to Volunteers on May 12, 2015 |
Molly Burdette, Bachelor of General Studies |
Pancake Breakfast a Success! |
Check Presentation |
Approved Measures |
First Readings |
Dawn Daugherty, Mahoning County CASA/GAL |
Oktoberfestival Committee Ramping Up |
Newest Member Pinned |
Don't forget the district conference! |
Program: Salvation Army Cadets |
SAVE THE DATE: District Conference, April 24 - 25 |
Check Presentation: Salvation Army |
Thank you to volunteers April 21, 2015 |
Meeting Location March 24, 2015: Meet at Kennsington Club House |
New Member Proposal: Tom Horvath |
Board Meeting March 19 |
Change for Change |